Our goal at Denver Vision Therapy is to address functional vision problems such as convergence insufficiency, binocular vision dysfunction, eye tracking problems, post-concussion vision syndrome, and many other conditions that are caused by how well the brain is working to control the eyes. If the brain is not functioning well on a cellular level, with poor cellular energy and increased inflammation, then it can drastically exacerbate these issues and become a hurdle to improvement. As a result, our doctors are often looking at the whole picture when addressing the patient’s concerns – after all, your eyes are an extension of your brain, and your brain controls your eyes. And when vision symptoms are paired with other systemic symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and illness, then it’s much easier to address the vision symptoms when we address the health of the person as a whole.
What is nutrigenomics?
Nutrigenomic testing is a form of genetic testing that examines how individual genetic variations affect the body's response to nutrients and dietary substances. It involves analyzing specific genes related to metabolism, nutrient absorption, and utilization, to provide personalized dietary recommendations.
Why should I do nutrigenomic testing?
Nutrigenomic testing helps to identify what types of nutrients an individual needs, and can guide decisions about supplements and dietary choices. Everyone has genetic deficiencies and strengths, and often the weaknesses are not observed until an individual is challenged by illness, stress, or age. When we optimize the function of the individual components of the body through optimal nutrition and supplementation, the results are simply incredible. It's very empowering to use individual genetics to heal their body and become the healthiest version of themselves.
How does the process of nutrigenomic testing with NBX Wellness work?
Genetic Analysis: A sample of DNA (saliva) is analyzed to identify variations in genes that influence nutrient metabolism and utilization.
Interpretation: The results are interpreted to understand how these genetic variations affect individual responses to food, supplements, and environmental factors.
Personalized Recommendations: Based on the genetic findings as well as the individual's current symptoms and medical conditions, personalized dietary and nutraceutical recommendations are provided.
What are nutraceuticals?
Nutraceuticals is a broad umbrella term that is used to describe any product derived from food sources with extra health benefits in addition to the basic nutritional value found in foods. NBX Wellness Nutraceuticals are used to supplement deficiencies in our natureal biochemical pathways caused by ineffective proteins and processes in the body.
How long does it take to achieve results?
While most people notice some improvements in the first week, the maximum benefits that can be achieved on your doctor prescribed regimen varies based on your age. In general, it takes one month for each decade of life to reach maximum benefit. For example, if you are 50 years old, it will take 5 months to achieve maximum results.
What kind of information do you learn from nutrigenomic testing?
Inflammation - Identifies dysfunction in the 'on' and 'off' switches for inflammation, which can make an individual prone to chronic low-grade inflammation or auto-immune disease.
Neurotransmitters: Deficits in the pathways involved in neurotransmitter production and recycling can influence mood, anxiety, depression, attention, and overall brain function.
Autophagy - This process allows the cell to get rid of cellular debris, and deficits in this pathway can put a person at increased risk for chronic health conditions such as fatty liver disease, Alzheimer's, Parkingson's, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Methylation - This pathway is used in over 250 biochemical processes in the body, and controls many other systems. Methylation is the process of adding a methyl group to B vitamins, allowing them to be absorbed into the cell. Without methylated B vitamins, your body is unable to function properly. Over 50% of the population has methylation pathway deficiencies which can be easily remedied by taking the correct nutraceuticals.
Mitochondria - The powerhouse of the cell, the mitochondria can experience an increase in free oxygen radicals as a result of genetic deficiencies in this pathway.
Detoxification - Our body's ability to get rid of toxins (chemicals, infection, environmental factors and cellular byproducts) is critical to keeping all systems functioning normally.
Vitamins and Minerals - Genes in this pathway determine how well our body can absorb vitamins and minerals.
Hormones - Pathways for the maintenance and processing of hormone levels, which can lead to fatigue, depression, and weight gain when deficiencies exist.
Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations - Digestive issues and dietary intolerances can be identified, and indications for foods to avoid may be suggested.
What are the next steps for Nutrigenomic Testing?
If you are already one of our patients, you can contact our office to purchase a nutrigenomic test kit. Once the patient purchases the test, they can register their test on our secure NBX Wellness website. The patient then performs the cheek swab and sends it off for evaluation. There is no identifying patient information on the sample, only a coded number. The results will be uploaded to our secure NBX website in about 2 weeks after mailing the sample. The lab destroys the genetic material, and your genetic results are never shared, they can only be accessed by you and your provider.
If you are not yet a patient at Denver Vision Therapy, we recommend that you schedule a routine eye exam or a functional vision evaluation to establish care with our doctors, so that they can discuss nutrigenomic testing with you personally and get to know the symptoms you have and your health goals.
Once your results are in, you can schedule an NBX Wellness Consultation appointment to review your results with the doctor to review your nutraceutical regime, which is based on your genetic results as well as your current symptoms, medical history, and family history.
Visit our store for Nutrigenomics testing and products:
Check out this patient testimonial!
Dr. Dudley,
I want to thank you for recommending that I do nutrigenomic testing last July, and then follow up with a few supplements. I really like the NBX supplements – especially Soothe Support Pro. Before I started taking Soothe Support Pro I was getting migraines every one or two weeks, which would cause my vision symptoms to increase. After taking this inflammation-reducing supplement for two weeks, the migraines stopped. Several months ago I tried a different brand, and the migraines started up again, so I’m back to NBX and migraine free!
I also started taking Full Focus Evolved, hoping it would help me with memory and focus issues. It has made such a difference! It has helped my attention and memory. I take it every day and I appreciate how my brain functions without brain fog.
The third one that I really found helpful was Toxin Cleanse Pro. I recently started a new diet to rebuild my gut health. At first, I was experiencing considerable brain fog and mild headaches from ‘die-off’ as my body clears out toxins. I started taking Toxin Cleanse Pro the second day and the symptoms were milder and cleared up quickly.
Thank you for helping me rebuild my health. I appreciate that you took time to explain about the genetic testing, and how the supplements work, in a clear understandable way.
L. Jackson